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Behir - Part II

Her er anden del af arbejdet med at lave D & D monsteret Behir

This is the second part of the making of D & D monster Behir

(Fra/From Wikipedia) A behir was often mistaken for a wingless blue dragon. It had a long, snake-like body and could slither on the ground like a snake, but it also had six pairs of legs upon which it could walk or climb if it chose to do so. Each of a behir's twelve feet contained three clawed toes.



Jeg har lavet denne video med det meste af processen

I've made this video with a lot of the proces

Næsten færdigmalet

Almost finished painting

Lang tørretid pga. meget papirler

A lot of drying due to the big amount of paper clay

Jeg besluttede mig for at flytte øjnene

I decided to move the eyes

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